Unisys and BSP Software

BSP Software assisted  the global IT services company Unisys with the installation, support and source code to BSP Software’s bespoke Timeout Handling Control system.

It is designed to handle  both the ASP.NET session timeout and the ASP.NET forms authentication timeout. It can be used on individual pages or it can be added to the master page to handle the timeout situation on all content pages.


Below is a testimonial from their Solution Architect & Project Manager at Unisys European Services.



“I wanted to personally write to you to express how impressed we have been with the excellent service we have received from you and to thank you for all of your efforts over the few weeks.

The support and assistance you provided with the BSP Timeout Handling Control has been first-rate and exceeded our expectations. Whenever we had an issue, you responded quickly and efficiently and each time you saved the day. Thank you!

We look forward to working with you on this and future projects, and hope that Unisys and BSP Software have a long and lucrative future.”

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